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    Our Program

    We have 6+ stages for you simultaniously: plan your own, individual journey at the 12HRS.US Conference:

    We have: Keynote Talks, Panels, Pitches, Awards, Show Acts, Demos and Networking for you!


    12HRS.US's program consists basically out of the following 4 points:



    Great and inspiring talks and panels from national and international experts and entrepreneurs: BELOW



    Awards for female and male founder or maker personalities + some Rock'n'Roll: AWARDS



    Work hard - play harder! We arranged some blast for you @ The NOHO Club: PARTY



    We gonna have some fun and relaxed networking and matchmaking opportunities for you.

  • Our formats


    12MIN.ME Talks

    The classic 12MIN.ME format!

    At the 12HRS.US conference you will find your beloved 12MIN.ME talks which are the DNA of what we do at our meetups as well as at the conference.


    The 12MIN.ME procedure:
    • Each speaker has exactly 12 minutes to talk
    • The audience gets another max. 6 minutes for Q&A after each talk
    • Onother 6 or 12 minutes of short networking between the speakers
    Speakers & Panellists

    Panel Discussions

    Let's dive a bit deeper!

    Apart from the talks we'll provide several expert panels discussion in which there will be enough time to go to the bottom of things. They will not only discuss the status quo of a paradigm but also reflect its meaning for society and progress in a broader, interdisciplinary context.


    The PANEL procedure:
    • Each panel consists of 4 speakers and 2 moderators
    • For each speaker we calculate 12 minutes (x4) = 48 minutes for the panel
    • The audience gets another max. 12 minutes for Q&A after each talk
    • Another 12 minutes of short networking between the panels
    144sec Speed Networking

    12x12sec Speed Networking

    We do break the ice for you in just 144 seconds!

    Also, we identified 2 basic categories of guests at our events. One category comes to listen to the talks to get some insights and inspiration and the others prefer to mingle and meet as many new people and old friend as possible. There is quite some common ground between these two groups but we want to provide our guests a special format to meet many new people at our conference. Since in everything we do a "12" is involved, we will have several speed networking events during the conference where interested people can gather easily and are supposed to talk for at least 144 (12x12 seconds) to a stranger. If the participants like each other or feel like talking longer to each other, they just will stay with each other for the time they need of feel like. If one participant doesn't feel like continuing the conversation, she just starts switching partners every 144 seconds again. This way nobody needs to feel bad leaving a conversation because its actually part of the “game”.


    Here you'll find the 12HRS.US conference agenda - some items / talks might change + panels will be online after the May 20.


    The ​direct LINK to the Google Sheet: https://bit.ly/2W5dGis


    ☢️ short-term changes will be shown in


    BLUE in the sheet below:

  • Building / Floor Plan

    Check where to find the stage you want to visit:

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  • Click at the stage you want to visit below

    Check our program for each stage by clicking on the Stage Links below:

    • GOOD TO KNOW #1: Most of the speakers are going to provide a 12 minutes talk + participate in a panel discussion
    • GOOD TO KNOW #2: All panel discussions take place at the Haspa and P3 stages
    • GOOD TO KNOW #3: All talks take place on the PwC, Pawlik and t3n stages
    • GOOD TO KNOW #4: All Open Mic Pitches will take place on the monile stage outsite.

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    Haspa Stage

    Click above to get to stage!

    SQUARE Building

    Level 2/3

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    P3 Stage

    Click above to get to stage!

    SQUARE Building

    Level 6

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    PwC Stage

    Click above to get to stage!

    SQUARE Building

    Staircase Outsite

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    PAWLIK Stage

    Click above to get to stage!

    SQUARE Building

    Level 4

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    t3n Stage

    Click above to get to stage!

    SQUARE Building

    Level 5

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    Taylor Wessing Forum

    Click above to get to stage!

    SQUARE Building

    Level 0

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    Beiersdorf Forum

    Click above to get to stage!

    SQUARE Building

    Level 4

  • PwC Stage

    This stage is infront of the Square building on top of the stairs

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    SQUARE HSBA Building - Stairway / Entrance

    Check it out in 3D: https://bit.ly/2wO6OaT

    TALKS only

    Thursday & Friday

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    Thursday - 10:30 am


    Dr. Carsten Brosda

    XING: https://www.xing.com/profile/Carsten_Brosda/cv


    Senator @ Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg (Ministry of Culture and Media)

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    Thursday - 10:42 am


    Oliver Roessling

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/oliverroessling/

    OPENING KEYNOTE of 12HRS.US: "Society Disrupted"

    Initiator of 12HRS.US & 12MIN.ME

    Thursday - 10:54 am - 6 Minutes BREAK1

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    Thursday - 11:00 am


    Peter Jaeger

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/pejaeger/

    "Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Society - Wake up Europe!"

    Serial Entrepreneur, Geek & former Microsoft Germany board member

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    Thursday - 11:24 am



    Isabelle Flueckiger

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/isabelleflueckiger/

    "What have Heavy Metal Bands to do with fake news?"

    Managing Director at Accenture - Financial Services Applied Intelligence Lead Austria, Switzerland & Germany

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    Thursday - 11:48 am


    Dr. Michael Müller-Wünsch

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/muewue/

    “Why should more women work in Tech? - The Value of gender diversity”

    CIO @ OTTO

    Thursday - 12:06 pm - 12 Minutes BREAK2

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    Thursday - 12:18 pm


    Nils Seebach

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/nilsseebach/

    "Political Responsibility of Entrepreneurs!"

    Serial Entrepreneur & Investor // PHOENIX Group, eTribes

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    Thursday - 12:42 pm


    Prof. Dr. Henning Voepel

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/henning-voepel-368142135/

    "How Artificial Intelligence will impact and change the Economy"

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    Thursday - 1:06 pm


    Dr. Peter Bartels

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/dr-peter-bartels/

    "FUTURE.US - How companies succeed in disruptive times"

    Partner, Member of the Board @ PwC

    Thursday - 1:24 pm - 12 Minutes BREAK3

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    Thursday - 1:36 pm


    Dr. Tatjana Xenia Puhan

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/tatjana-xenia-puhan-a83851a/

    "Technological disruption and innovation management in the asset management industry"

    Head Equity & Asset Allocation @ Swiss Life​

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    Thursday - 2:00 pm


    Holger Hohrein

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/holgerhohrein/

    "Building a new infrastructure for savings deposits"

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    Thursday - 2:24 pm


    Johann Romefort

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/romefort/

    "Man VS Machine: Are you still relevant?"

    Thursday - 2:42 pm - 12 Minutes BREAK4

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    Thursday - 2:54 pm


    Paul Jozefak

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/pauljozefak/

    "Innovation / Disruption: How Collections and Dept Service can be disrupted?"

    Serial Entrepreneur & former Corporate Innovator // re:ceeve

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    Thursday - 3:18 pm


    Hanna Marie Asmussen

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/hanna-marie-asmussen-03a9104a/


    "Digitization & migration - the growing interdependency in the war-for-talent"

    Founder @ Localyze

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    Thursday - 3:42 pm


    Gunnar Froh

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/gunnarfroh/

    "More knowledge, information and intelligence, but the problem remains…Traffic!"

    Serial Entrepreneur, CEO & Founder @ Wunder Mobility

    Thursday - 4:00 pm - 12 Minutes BREAK5

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    Thursday - 4:12 pm


    Christof Horn

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/dr-j%C3%B6rg-bernardy-997b3b52/

    "Anti-Romantic Approach and why Romanticism contains dangerous Fake News"

    Author & Philosopher

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    Thursday - 4:36 pm


    Dr. Guenther Dobrauz Saldapenna

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/dobrauz/

    "Appetite for Disruption in the Exponential Technologies Age: The Dynamics of Innovation & Regulation."

    Investor & Member of @ PwC’s Global Legal Leadership Team

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    Thursday - 5:00 pm


    Dr. Henriette Neumeyer

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/henriette-neumeyer-034143a8/

    "A walk in the park – how we shape future health experiences"

    Senior Clinical Consultant PHM @ Philips

    END Thursday / START Friday

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    Friday - 10:00 am


    Prof. Dr. Frank Steinicke

    Home: https://www.inf.uni-hamburg.de/en/inst/ab/hci/people/steinicke.html

    "Artificial Intelligence and Reality - What's better: Natural, Artificial, Real or Virtual?"

    Professor for Human-Computer Interaction @ University of Hamburg

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    Friday - 10:24 am


    Martin Jung

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/martin-jung-84795824/

    "How to boost the Startup and Innovation Ecosystems and what’s the role of industry, academia, civil society and state?"

    Director - Department Innovation and Business Development @ IFB Hamburg

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    Friday - 10:48 pm


    Dr. Alexander Ellert

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/dr-alexander-ellert-86720784/

    "Advertising in the Intelligent Era​"

    Media Manager Germany @ Google

    Friday - 11:06 am - 12 Minutes BREAK1

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    Friday - 11:18 am


    Dr. Dr. Alexander El Gammal

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/dr-dr-alexander-t-el-gammal-85b967a7/

    "Digital Medicine 2030 – Implications of Current Trends for the Future of Medicine."

    Senior Clinical Consultant Healthcare Transformation Services @ Philips

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    Friday - 11:42 pm


    Dr. Uve Samuels

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/uve-samuels-9a6b12114/

    „Dual Innovation“

    Managing Director @ SQUARE​

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    Friday - 12:06 pm


    Manouchehr Shamsrizi

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/manouchehrshamsrizi/

    "Zu Risiken und Nebenwirkungen ask your Chief Philosophy Officer - On the complex yet interesting and highly significant interdependence of (post)modern digital transformation and the timeless transformational power of philosophizing"

    Author, Founder @ RetroBrain R&D

    Friday - 12:24 pm - 12 Minutes BREAK2

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    Friday - 12:36 pm


    Marc Meier

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/marc-meier-b377689/

    "Digitization: Risks and Chances for "the Middleman""

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    Friday - 1:00 am


    Dr. Sebastian Saxe

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/sebastian-saxe-32735056/

    "Digital Twin - When Visualisation Technology meets Artificial Intelligence for a better port management“

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    Friday - 1:24 pm



    Daniel Barke

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/daniel-barke-7381834b/

    "American Dream - Key learnings from expanding to the US"​

    Co-founder and CEO @ WorkGenius

    Friday - 1:42 pm - 12 Minutes BREAK3

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    Friday - 1:54 pm


    Oliver Roessling + Team

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/oliverroessling/


    Initiator of 12HRS.US & 12MIN.ME

  • Haspa Stage

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    SQUARE HSBA Building - Level 2/3

    Check it out in 3D: https://bit.ly/2R8cK7X

    PANELS only

    Thursday & Friday

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    Thursday - 11:00 am


    Panel: "FUTURE LEADERSHIP - What skills does a future leader need?"



    Joachim Pawlik (CEO @ Pawlik Consultants GmbH) Dr. Tatjana Xenia Puhan (Head Equity & Asset Allocation @ Swiss Life) Nils Seebach (Serial Entrepreneur & Investor)
    Wybo Wijnbergen (General Manager Germany & Northern Europe at WeWork) Dr. Guenther Dobrauz Saldapenna (Investor & Member of @ PwC’s Global Legal Leadership Team)

    Thursday - 12:06 pm - 12 Minutes BREAK2

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    Thursday - 12:18 pm


    Panel: "A.I. STRATEGIES FOR CORPORATES - Risks & Chances"



    Dr. Michael Müller-Wünsch (CIO @ OTTO)

    Peter Jaeger (Serial Entrepreneur, Geek & former Microsoft GER board member)

    Dr. Isabelle Flueckiger (Managing Director @ Accenture - Financial Services Applied Intelligence Lead Austria, Switzerland & Germany)

    Wilbert Hirsch (Managing Director @ ReAct - Responsive Acoustics)

    Thursday - 1:24 pm - 12 Minutes BREAK3

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    Thursday - 1:36 pm






    Paul Jozefak (Serial Entrepreneur & former Corporate Innovator)


    Till Kaestner (COO @ Artisense Corporation)

    Hanna Marie Asmussen (Co-founder @ Localyze)

    Gunnar Froh (Serial Entrepreneur, CEO & Founder @ Wunder Mobility

    Thursday - 2:42 pm - 12 Minutes BREAK4

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    Thursday - 2:54 pm


    PAWLIK-Panel: "The role of E-learning in the future - Classical Trainings vs. Digital Trainings vs. Blended Learning"


    Tobias Schadewald (Consultant @ Pawlik Consultants)



    Britta Kroker (CEO @ PINK-University)

    Christina Burkhardt (CEO @ SHIFTSCHOOL)

    Manfred Tropper (CEO @ mantro)

    Dr. Uve Samuels (Managing Director @ SQUARE)

    Thursday - 4:00 pm - 12 Minutes BREAK5

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    Thursday - 4:12 pm






    Dr. Alexander Ellert (Media Manager Germany @ Google)

    Manouchehr Shamsrizi (Author, Founder @ RetroBrain R&D)

    Charlotte Richter-Kiewning (Founder & CEO @ THE DISTRIQT)

    Rihards Gromuls (Co-Founder & Lead Designer at Riddle Digital)

    Thursday - 5:18 pm - 12 Minutes BREAK6

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    Thursday - 5:30 pm - AWARDS

    END Thursday / START Friday

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    Friday - 10:00 am



    Panel: "DISRUPTED HEALTH - the journey to a digital health system"



    Dr. Dr. Alexander El Gammal (Senior Clinical Consultant @ Philips)

    Jaroslav Bláha (CEO @ CellmatiQ)

    Dirk Ploss (Digital Technologies Scouting @ Beiersdorf)

    Tobias Gebhardt (CEO@ GWA Hygiene)

    Friday - 11:06 am - 12 Minutes BREAK1

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    Friday - 11:18 am



    Panel: "VIRTUAL WORLDS & TWINS - the new economic gold standard?"



    Prof. Dr. Frank Steinicke (Professor for Human-Computer Interaction @ University of Hamburg)

    Ruediger Hoefert (Managing Director @ ABSOLUTE Reality)

    Jan-Philipp Mohr (Founder & CEO @ Hashplay)

    Friday - 12:24 pm - 12 Minutes BREAK2

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    Friday - 12:36 pm



    Panel: "STARTUP GLOBAL - how to scale and connect local startup ecosystems"




    Christoph Huening (Managing Partner @ Next Media Accelerator)

    Emanuele Corsico Piccolini (Founder & Startup Ecosystem Expert)

    Martin Jung (Director - Department Innovation and Business Development @ IFB Hamburg)

    Michael Bist (Founder @ TheTailorNetwork)

  • PAWLIK Stage

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    SQUARE HSBA Building - Level 4

    Check it out in 3D: https://bit.ly/2Iccims

    TALKS only

    Thursday & Friday

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    Thursday - 11:00 am


    Sven Friedrich Cordes

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/sven-friedrich-cordes-459b6164/

    "Death has a new beginning – the disruption of funeral culture"

    Owner & Managing Director of a Funeral Service

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    Thursday - 11:24 am


    Christof Horn

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/christofhorn/

    "Unten ist oben - how to grow up as a startup without becoming like all the others"​

    Managing Director @ P3 Group

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    Thursday - 11:48 am


    Tina Egolf

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/tinaegolf/

    "New Work: A little less conversation, a little more ambition please! - A handy guide to change the "Future of Work" beyond remote work, productivity tools and colourful post-its"

    Work Futurist @ workmaker

    Thursday - 12:06 pm - 12 Minutes BREAK2

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    Thursday - 12:18 pm - PART3 / TALK1


    Thorsten Gau

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/thorstengau/

    "A.I. in digital care. Does it make us sick or healthy?"

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    Thursday - 12:42 pm


    Roda Mueller-Wieland

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/roda-m%C3%BCller-wieland-584a2b76/

    "AI, ethics, and the future of work: an ethical competence framework"

    Researcher @ Fraunhofer

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    Thursday - 1:06 pm


    Joachim Pawlik

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/joachim-pawlik-9b3a90107/

    "How do I build trust in a changing environment?"

    Thursday - 1:24 pm - 12 Minutes BREAK3

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    Thursday - 1:36 pm


    Xiaowen Paulus-Ye

    LinkedIn: https://bit.ly/2WTU0hL

    Dr. Axel Frhr. von dem Bussche

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/axel-freiherr-von-dem-bussche-2235544/

    "GDPR vs. China Social Credit System"

    Xiaowen: German Lawyer - Salary Partner @ Taylor Wessing

    Axel: Partner @ Taylor Wessing

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    Thursday - 2:00 pm


    Hannes Fehr

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/hannesfehr/


    “How to use your digital power to make our world better”

    Serial Entrepreneur & Business Development Expert

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    Thursday - 2:24 pm


    Nora Dietrich

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/noradietrich/

    "What Dating Has To Do With A Growing Start-up"

    Expert for organizational change & behavioral psychotherapist

    Thursday - 2:42 pm - 12 Minutes BREAK4

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    Thursday - 2:54 pm


    Manfred Tropper

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/manfredtropper/

    "How to not be an asshole for once"

    CEO @ mantro​

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    Thursday - 3:18 pm


    Rihards Gromuls

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/gromuls/

    "What about the grey area? Data vs. Creativity"

    Co-Founder & Lead Designer at Riddle Digital

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    Thursday - 3:42 pm


    Sarik Weber

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/sarikweber/

    "Futuring beats inertia: How a traditional global Medtech Champion stays agile"

    Serial Entrepreneur, Private Investor & CDO @ Ottobock

    Thursday - 4:00 pm - 12 Minutes BREAK5

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    Thursday - 4:12 pm


    Tobias Gebhardt

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/tobiasgebhardt/


    "Can our health system survive without digitization?" ​

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    Thursday - 4:36 pm


    Dirk Ploss

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/derploss/


    "Marketing to machines - Shopping without customers"

    Digital Technologies Scouting @ Beiersdorf

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    Thursday - 5:00 pm


    Britta Kroker

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/britta-kroker-47168715b/


    "The Future of Learning. How Companies rethink learning and development in the digital age"

    Managing Director @ Pink University

    END Thursday / START Friday

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    Friday - 10:00 am


    Francisco Riveros Escobar

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/panchoriveros/


    "Cognitive Bias: being discriminated by an algorithm"

    Cognitive Technical Leader (IBM Watson & Cloud Platform) @ IBM

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    Friday - 10:24 am


    Kristina Kara

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/kristina-kara-772abb128/


    "The Future Is Not in Front of Us, It’s Inside of Us. Education should focus on self awareness and problem solving skills."

    Site Manager @ Futurepreneur

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    Friday - 10:48 am


    Wolfgang von Geramb

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/wolfgang-von-geramb/


    "The Co-Founders Dilemma – I wanted to save the world and got kicked out!"

    Serial Optimist & Founder of the Alephants

    Friday - 11:06 am - 12 Minutes BREAK1

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    Friday - 11:18 am


    Katharina Reuer

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/katharina-h-reuer-184a7bba/



    "How digitisation enables the legal use of foreign trademarks in online marketing"​

    Lawyer & Senior Associate @ Taylor Wessing

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    Friday - 11:42 am


    Michael Bist

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/michael-bist-3928b410/


    "Rethinking Social - Innovate the value chain to be social and price competitive"

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    Friday - 12:06 pm


    Charlotte Richter-Kiewning

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/charlotte-richter-kiewning-2a1b8a168/


    "The digital transformation increases the desire of social encounters. A Chance for our society?"

    Founder & CEO @ THE DISTRIQT

    Friday - 12:24 pm - 12 Minutes BREAK2

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    Friday - 12:36 pm


    Jaroslav Bláha

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jaroslav-bl%C3%A1ha-709950a/


    "How to develop bad A.I. in healthcare"

    CEO @ CellmatiQ

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    Friday - 1:00 pm


    Muriel Boettger

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/muriel-böttger/


    "Smartphone Awareness - 3 ways to improve your quality of life"

    Psychologist, Founder & CEO @ Share&Grow

  • P3 Stage

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    SQUARE HSBA Building - Level 6

    Check it out in 3D: https://bit.ly/2F7jBcS

    mostly PANELS / a few TALKS

    Thgursday & Friday

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    Thursday - 11:00 am






    Prof. Dr. Henning Voepel (CEO @ Hamburg Institute of International Economics (HWWI))

    Roda Mueller-Wieland (Researcher @ Fraunhofer)

    Thorsten Gau (CTO @ IBM Global Business Services)

    Dr. Christian Rauda (Partner @ the Media Law firm GRAEF)

    Thursday - 12:06 pm - 12 Minutes BREAK2

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    Thursday - 12:18 pm



    Panel: "EDUCATE FOR TOMORROW - the role of creativity in a contempory education"



    Tina Egolf (Work Futurist @ workmaker)

    Bernd Heusinger (Founder & Co-CEO @ Hirschen Group)

    Nora Dietrich (Expert for organizational change & behavioral psychotherapist)

    Gert Spender (Serial Entrepreneur & Business Unit Manager @ Aalborg University)

    Thursday - 1:24 pm - 12 Minutes BREAK3

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    Thursday - 1:36 pm


    PwC-Panel: "Old meets New Economy: Which Challenges we have to face in the Age of Digital Transformation?"


    Dr. Peter Bartels (Partner @ PwC)

    Christoph Hass (Digital Services @ PwC NextLevel)



    Anna Abraham (MD @ Mondosano)

    Daniel Barke (CEO @ WorkGenius)

    Marc Meier (CEO @ Fr. Meyer's Sohn​)

    Mark Hebbel (Head of Strategic Business Initiatives @ Basler)

    Thursday - 2:42 pm - 12 Minutes BREAK4

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    Thursday - 2:54 pm



    Panel: "ETHICS IN AN A.I.-WORLD"



    Dr. Joerg Bernardy (Author & Philosopher)

    Sven Friedrich Cordes (Owner & Managing Director of a Funeral Service)

    Johann Romefort (Managing Director at Techstars - BSH)

    Jaana Rasmussen (Education, New Work & Storytelling Expert)

    Thursday - 4:00 pm - 12 Minutes BREAK5

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    Thursday - 4:12 pm


    Dr. Aaron Brueckner

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/dr-aaron-br%C3%BCckner-8a9639b1/

    "New Work - New me"

    Consultant, Author, Model & Podcaster

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    Thursday - 4:36 pm


    Tiffany Hart

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/tiffany-c-hart/

    "How to become a resilient entrepreneur? The gift of failure on the journey to mastery"

    Director Digital Transformation at 19:13

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    Thursday - 5:00 pm


    Lucas Heckmann

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/tiffany-c-hart/

    "The new new organization"

    Agile Coach/ Director at P3 Group

    END Thursday / START Friday

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    Friday - 10:00 am




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    Friday - 10:00 am (simultaneously)





    Nicolas Brieger (Consultant Digitalisation - P3 Group)

    Thomas Reisenweber (Shareholder & Managing Director at P3 Group)

    Dr. Sebastian Saxe (CDO @ Hamburg Port Authority)

    Friday - 11:06 am - 12 Minutes BREAK1

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    Friday - 11:18 am






    Hannes Fehr (Serial Entrepreneur & Business Development Expert)

    Kathrin Koehler (Digital Coach & Consultant)

    Muriel Bottger - (Psychologist, Founder & CEO@ Share&Grow)

    Wolfgang von Geramb (Serial Optimist & Founder of the Alephants)

    Friday - 12:24 pm - 12 Minutes BREAK2

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    Friday - 12:36 pm






    Dr. Henriette Neumeyer (Senior Clinical Consultant PHM @ Philips)

    Oliver Rong (Senior Partner @ Roland Berger)

    Dr. Sven Magg (Expert in Neural Networks & Evolution of Artificial Agents @ University of Hamburg)

    Francisco Riveros Escobar (Cognitive Technical Leader @ IBM)

  • t3n Stage

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    SQUARE HSBA Building - Level 5

    Check it out in 3D: https://bit.ly/31sODWk

    TALKS only

    Thursday & Friday

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    Thursday - 11:00 am


    Oliver Rong

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/oliver-rong-641367104/

    "Health goes digitel - from curing to preventing"

    Senior Partner @ Roland Berger

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    Thursday - 11:24 am


    Till Kaestner

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/tillkaestner/

    "AI and Death - Can AI replace pastoral guidance?"

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    Thursday - 11:48 am


    Gert Spender

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/gert-spender-462227/

    "Rethinking - Research To Business - in Danish Universities"

    Serial Entrepreneur & Business Unit Manager @ Aalborg University

    Thursday - 12:06 pm - 12 Minutes BREAK2

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    Thursday - 12:18 pm


    Prof. Dr. Stephan Göthel

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/stephan-r-g%C3%B6thel-91533047/

    "Legal Challenges of Artificial Intelligence" Part 1/2

    Partner @ the Corporate Finance Law firm Pier11

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    Thursday - 12:42 pm


    Dr. Christian Rauda

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/christian-rauda-6600461/

    "Legal Challenges of Artificial Intelligence" Part 2/2

    Partner @ the Media Law firm GRAEF

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    Thursday - 1:06 pm


    Anna Abraham

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/annaabraham/

    "Smart Patients - How Digitization effects decision-making in Health Care"

    Founder & Managing Director @ Mondosano

    Thursday - 1:24 pm - 12 Minutes BREAK3

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    Thursday - 1:36 pm


    Bernd Heusinger

    Wikipedia: https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bernd_Heusinger

    "Let's Creativate! Why creativity is the source of future business prosperity"

    Founder & Co-CEO @ Hirschen Group

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    Thursday - 2:00 pm


    Christina Burkhardt

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/christina-burkhardt-b36a6a131/

    "Welcome to the disruption circus. My learnings from disrupting education"

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    Thursday - 2:24 pm


    Jan-Philipp Mohr

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/janphilippmohr/

    "Real-world analytics"

    Founder & CEO @ Hashplay

    Thursday - 2:42 pm - 12 Minutes BREAK4

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    Thursday - 2:54 pm


    Christoph Huening

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/hueningc/

    "Media is changing, we need more innovation!"

    Managing Partner @ Next Media Accelerator

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    Thursday - 3:18 pm


    Finn Plotz

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/finn-plotz-5a431389/

    "What if there is no-one you can call? How I ended up building a 'digital 110' in South Africa"​

    Founder & Managing Director @ SEON

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    Thursday - 3:42 pm


    Dr. Ashkan Kalantary

    "Why Corporates Like Startups"

    NextLevel Director @ PwC's Startup/VC/CVC Initiative

    Thursday - 4:00 pm - 12 Minutes BREAK5

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    Thursday - 4:12 pm


    Mark Hebbel

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/mark-hebbel-54813a9/

    “Who can we trust in a decentralized digitalised world?”

    Head of Strategic Business Initiatives @ Basler

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    Thursday - 4:36 pm


    Ruediger Hoefert

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/r%C3%BCdiger-h%C3%B6fert-50202840/

    "Virtual Worlds: Ready Player One for the masses?"

    Managing Director @ ABSOLUTE Reality

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    Thursday - 5:00 pm


    Dr. Sven Magg

    LinkedIn: https://www.inf.uni-hamburg.de/en/inst/ab/wtm/people/magg.html

    "When do I get my intelligent robot?"

    Expert in Neural Networks & Evolution of Artificial Agents @ University of Hamburg

    END Thursday / START Friday

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    Friday - 10:00 am


    Jaana Rasmussen

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jaana-rasmussen/

    "The Need for Storytelling in a VUCA world" (volatility, uncertainty, complexity & ambiguity)

    Education, New Work & Storytelling Expert

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    Friday - 10:24 am


    Wilbert Hirsch

    Wikipedia: https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wilbert_Hirsch

    "Digitization & Ethics: What the know(s) do we fuck"

    Managing Director @ ReAct - Responsive Acoustics

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    Friday - 10:48 am


    Nicolas Brieger

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/nicolas-brieger-14665ab4/


    Consultant Digitalisation - P3 Group​

    Friday - 11:06 am - 12 Minutes BREAK1

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    Friday - 11:18 am


    Kathrin Koehler

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/kathrinkoehler/

    "Get beyond Overwhelm: How to Spark in Our Learning Society."

    Digital Coach & Consultant

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    Friday - 11:42 am


    Dr. Markus Wienen

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/dr-markus-wienen-7982bb66/

    "Impact matters - Why banking is an ethical industry"​

    Head of Strategy & Corporate Development @ Haspa Next

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    Friday - 12:06 pm


    Emanuele Corsico Piccolini

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/emanuele-c-80a15037/

    "Creative disruption or innovation protection: digitalizing insurance industry."

    Founder & Startup Ecosystem Expert

    Friday - 12:24 pm - 12 Minutes BREAK2

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    Friday - 12:36 pm


    Paulette van Heel

    LinkedIn: https://ww